How to make the most of a Chicken 😱👍😃
First let’s make a simple Sauce…
Dice some Shallots…
Parsley stalks…
And sweat off (sauté) in a knob of Butter with some Olive Oil to stop it from burning…
Add Salt… and Pepper… and a splash of Vermouth… some fresh Thyme leaves… and some dried Oregano!!
Let it all soften.. and then add a little Chicken Stock… and Lemon Juice!!
Let cool and marinate… and get on with the Chicken!!
One must dissect one’s Chicken!!!
I just use a scissors and a kitchen knife…
We can talk about knives later, but you must have kitchen scissors!!
Really, you need several so they are always handy!!
Get a two pack here!!
Pop out the ball and socket in the leg joint… and cut around it!!
Once both legs are done…
Remove the breasts from the bone…
Eventually you have…
A carcass and the joints…
To be continued after I get my BEAUTY SLEEP 😘